Friday, May 14, 2010

Another Day of PT

Sorry for the missed day. Thursday was rather busy. I was at Ragged with Diane at 9am, hit up assembly, then back to Diane. Lunch broke up the day again, with a trip to the woodshop and then a return to Ragged. I was Toni Blach's personal physical therapist Thursday helping him through a similar injury to mine. He broke his Tibia this year and it's cool to be able to share my experience in therapy with him. Research and studying were also part of my day as well.

Today, Friday was just as busy. I was up early to complete my C-Block wood shop class and after lunch joined Diane again. I was with her from 1pm-5pm and helped out Toni again. The shoulder anatomy is a bit challenging, however, I am figuring out the hidden muscles one by one. The weekend is here and I will be studying, keeping my nutrition journal up to date and cross referencing my nutrition information with more sources.

My reflection upon the week will be coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. Good job Tyler! It seems there is much to learn, and since you "have been there", you can relate. I will be eager to read about your reflections.
