Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday....the LAST on-site day :(

So today was my last day on-site with Diane at Ragged Mountain Physical Therapy. It was bittersweet since I have spent over a year as a patient with Diane and this semi-internship marks the end of my time with her. She has truly been influential in shaping me as an individual during my time here at Proctor. When times were tough whether it be with my leg or school life she was always there to give me the positive push to keep on chuggin' along. I spent a majority of my day putting together the final pieces of my presentation and organizing all of my information. This afternoon I was on-site and was just a helping hand since Toni wasn't in for therapy today. I look back on this experience and am extremely glad that I took the time to fill out the paperwork and participate in a senior project. It was definitely two and a half weeks well spent. All that I have left is to finish putting everything together and presenting what I have done and accomplished over the past few weeks. Graduation is looming and campus is bustling as everyone prepares for the end of the school year. Once again, things are bittersweet but... that's how it always seem to be when good things come to an end.

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