Wednesday, May 19, 2010


With Graduation looming in the not to distant future many seniors are pushing hard making sure they have everything in their lives at Proctor squared away so that they can walk with the rest of their classmates. For some that may simply be passing their classes, others that may mean completing senior project. I myself have two tasks at hand, passing senior project... and finishing a folding adirondack chair for my woodworking major class. Somehow over the course of my three years at Proctor I have managed to escape the "skills major" credit that every student is required to have completed prior to receiving their diploma. Greg Allen was kind enough to allow me to take woodworking as a major, graded, class since I had some previous experience from my previous school. With the last few days of classes coming to and end I am pushing hard to finish my chair and with that receive my final credit. Without that credit, no graduation, no diploma, no college. Now, in no circumstance will I not finish the chair and risk the future of my very existence. However, the final few steps in completing this chair have been absolutely painful. I spent 4 full hours in the wood shop today from 8:30am-12:30pm sanding and painting 26 separate pieces of poplar. Oh what a joy that was. My back might need a bit of physical therapy from the hunched over position I was in most of the day. Warranted, I did get a break after lunch and spent some time going over the anatomy of the knee joint. I look forward to finishing this chair and joining Diane again at ragged tomorrow, should be a nice day! 80's with a few clouds.

1 comment:

  1. You'll reach the finish line T-Mac, keep forging ahead!
