Monday, May 24, 2010

Weekly Reflection 2

Another week of senior project complete! After getting into a bit of a routine this week went by much more smoothly. I was tested on the anatomy of the shoulder at the beginning of the week and passed with flying colors. After that I moved onto the anatomy of the knee. I knew most of the ligaments and muscles that allow the knee joint to function properly, however, the mechanics of the knee were a bit foreign to me. After this week I understand what each piece of the joint accomplishes and why knee injuries are some common. Nutrition wise I've continued to keep my daily log and have noticed that my energy levels throughout the day have stayed much more consistent. Starting off my days have been much easier and the late afternoons don't seem to be nearly as painful. I've learned that this is due to blood sugar levels staying much more consistent instead of spiking throughout the day.

Once again I've really enjoyed my time spent on senior project this week especially while working with Toni. I've been able to watch him progress with the strength in his calf and flexion in his ankle as he completes his therapy sessions. I will say juggling wood shop and physical therapy has been rather aggravating as the final push to finish my chair took place. Other than that there really isn't a single complaint that I have.

All of the activities that I been asked to accomplish this week have been to help Diane run everything a bit more smoothly, teach me something or help one of the patients out. There's been nothing too surprising. I've helped stretch, watch, clean, answer the phone and set up for patients. I've really been able to see how many variables go into running a small business through my experiences thus far. I truly believe that I will greatly benefit from this week's activities, especially as I prepare to start working this summer. I will easily be able to manage my time and enjoy myself, as well as be able to manage my diet to keep me going all summer long.

A few more days left! Finishing up strong and looking forward to this next week.

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